Saturday, February 4, 2017

My Sexy Saturday ~ Waiting For a Filly Girl ~ Moonrise Lake, Montana


Sexy Saturday kisses, everyone. 

I don't have many *Sexy About Town* scenes in my paranormal erotic romances. However, here's a slice-of-life snippet where the hero, Drev, is waiting in Moonrise Lake's coffee shop. Moonrise Lake is the small town is Wolf Peak Territory, my fictional shapeshifter-supernatural world at ShapeShifter Seduction


Seven paragraphs from ~ 

Chapter Twenty-two: 
Elly Fae's Espresso Bar

...Lowering the paper, Drev glanced out the window. Last night's snowfall blanketed the streets and sidewalks. The afternoon slant of sunlight made it sparkle. Not many were about, probably choosing to stay cozy at home since the snow had begun again. 

Damn, he hoped Keina wasn't angry at him for sending his brother to her apartment. Like a blade ripping through his belly, Drev warrior-sensed Prince Tretorff's determined pursuit. The way he figured it, his filly girl would be safer in the company of a human, rather than flying back to his cabin. 


Run on the Wild Side of Romance  

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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